I’ve Missed You!

I’ve Missed You!

Thank you for all of the thoughtful emails and cards wishing me well. I am recovering from my surgery and getting stronger every day. I haven’t read as much as I had hoped, but I’m sure I will catch up. One sign that I am on the mend is that I am thinking about and planning my next blog posts and writing again. On Tuesday I will be publishing a new and interesting interview with some great insights into Hemingway’s family life. Of course we will be hearing from Hadley in the near future, too.

I had the pleasure of reading an advance copy of Paula McLain’s novel, The Paris Wife, which I will review soon. I am still dreaming about that trip to Europe, retracing Hadley and Ernest’s adventures throughout France, Italy and Spain. Great blog material, don’t you think?

Thanks for everything – onward we go —