Today’s Hemingway Post: A Love Letter

Today’s Hemingway Post: A Love Letter

Winged Victory, from a trip to the Lourve. She is all heart and wings, with no chance of over-thinking things! I want to be like her.

Dear Friends,

Today, May 23, marks the one-year anniversary of the day I almost died in Panama, the day they gave me eight weeks to live. (for backstory, click here.) I wanted to share the anniversary with you and to thank you all for being here on this page and sharing my life’s journey with me.  I have ended up sharing more of my life here than I ever thought I would.

The tenderness, friendship and blessings in my life this past year continue to astonish me. My favorite part of the day is opening my email in the morning and finding all kinds of encouragement and friendship from you there. some of you emails and messages make me laugh, some make me cry, but  most of all, you have made me feel so  valued, even though I am not able to post as often as I used to. That’s really amazing! But then again, you are exceptional people. You are Hemingway People. When I asked a friend to proofread a post before putting it online, (which I will do soon) I especially wanted his feedback about content; he replied:

“I think many readers will understand just what you mean, especially the followers of the Hemingway blog. That is a pretty sophisticated readership and group of people.”

Yep, that’s you! Thank you for all the fun we’ve had these last five years and for all of the fun we’re going to have here in the future! It’s so good to be alive today and be able to write you all this love letter. I’ll share a lot more soon ~ Fondly, Allie